Saturday, 31 December 2016

10 good things that happened in 2016

2016 was a bit of a rubbish year, many celebrities died, we had the whole Brexit problem (it's ok I'm moving north if Scotland goes independent) and I feel like sometimes I live in a society that isn't understanding of others. There is hope for 2017 I think but I thought I would start 2017 with a post about 10 good things that happened to me in 2016. This is a carry on from my 18 things I've learned in 2016 post if you haven't read that one you should. Here are 10 good things that happened in 2016:

1. I helped organise the first This Girl Can award evening in Newcastle. 
I was really lucky and got asked to help organise Newcastle's first This Girl Can award evening after being an ambassador for over a year I couldn't have been more excited to help. It was a great event with over 200 women all there to support each other for the work they had done in their community.

2. I got my first real job.
When I say real job I mean a job that is related to my degree. In April I became Newcastle's Ping Activity Officer, my job involves me looking after table tennis across Newcastle and developing a free program across the city. I love it, I've had my moments with it but I think I've found my feet and can't wait to start 2017 program. 
Me and my colleagues at the launch of Ping in Newcastle

3. I passed my driving test the first time and I got my first car.
This was a big step for me in June I passed my driving test and got my first ever car. Driving for me was more of a necessity than a pleasure. I have a love/hate relationship with cars I'm on to my second car after my first one decided to break 2 weeks after buying it and as I'm writing this my second car is in the garage after breaking down. Who knows I might have a better year when it comes to cars in 2017 but I do like driving and I'm glad I've done it now. 

4. I got lots of amazing blogging opportunities.
I was a lucky girl this year with the number of opportunities I got through blogging. I was able to go to the Mineral House at the Crowne Plaza to do a review of the spa. I've been to a number of ElleFluence event that the lovely Laura runs for Northeast blogger and who I must say is an amazing lady. I've been sent amazing products to try out including some Adidas products from Blacks and even got to trail out anytime fitness in Gateshead.

5. I tried out 2 new fitness classes.
This year I got to try out 2 very different types of fitness classes. The first one was a trampette fitness class that was run by the lovely Nicki at Great Park Community Centre and the other was the Extreme Air class at Newcastle's new Trampoline centre

6.  I started going to church.
2016 was about learning and this year I learned that I needed to do things for myself. For around a year, i had been thinking about going to church but I didn't go because I felt that people around me would think differently of me. In August I watched one of Louise's (Sprinkle of Glitter) video about religion and how she had taken the step towards becoming a Christian. I think that was what helped me take the leap and about a month later I took my first step into the church and Christianity, I went to a 4:30 pm service and I never turned back. I've started to find what I was looking for and I think its helped to make me a better person. I even finished a 7-week course called Christianity explored which was a massive help for me, I'm excited to see what my next step is. 

7. I ran my first 10K 
One of the many opportunities, I got this year included the chance to run the Mo run. I talked all year about how I wanted to run at least one 10k this year and I did. You can ready about it here.

8. I went on my first ever winter holiday to Poland.
This was 1 of the main highlights this year. I had never been on a holiday abroad in Winter and I was really excited when my sister agrees to go to Wroclaw with me. It was amazing, I'm in the middle of putting a photo diary together so keep an eye out for that in 2017.

9. I ran my fastest 5K with a personal best of 27.57

The 10th December just before Christmas I ran my fastest ever 5k at Newcastle's Parkrun. I was going for around a 30 minutes finish after not being able to get below that. I somehow was able to not be far behind the 28 minutes pacer and absolutely trashed my last personal best by a whole 2 minutes. I felt that this was one of my biggest achievements this year.

10. I met Mr. M. 

If you've read my 18 things I've learned in 2016 you will know that I was very lucky and met Mr. M. I'm not going to go into loads of details about him because I want to try and keep some things private, that might chance later on but for now I like our little private bubble. What I will say tho is that meeting him was definitely one of the highlights in 2016. We already have quite a few plans for 2017 which I'm definitely looking forward to. 

It's strange because I thought I would find it really hard to write this post hard as I thought that actually not much good had happened to me in 2016 but it shows that even the littlest of things can make you happy. 


Friday, 30 December 2016

18 things I've learned in 2016

I wanted to do a couple post about 2016. This is my what I have learned over 2016 and I'm going to do a What I loved about 2016. There are many things that happened and I think I learned more about myself in 2016 then I have in the other 24 years of my life. The reason behind this post is I wanted to see written down that even when I hated 2016 and I wanted it to be over that there were positives to this year and here it is my 18 things I've learned in 2016:

1.      Even shit years have positive times.
2016 was a tough year but there was part of it that were positive, towards the end there was definitely more positives than negatives. I’ve learned that looking for positives in a day is how you keep going through the negatives.

2.       The dark place does have a light; you just have to look for it.
There have been many times when I’ve let myself go into that dark place, that dark place is sometimes just staying in bed for a few days but a friend once told me that dark places have light switches you just have to be ready to switch it on.

3.      Your sister can and always will be your best friend.
I and my sister haven’t always been the best of friends, but when I need her she stepped up she was there when I need to cry or I want to go for a drive for no other reason other than to get out of my house she didn’t ask why she just did. That’s what sisters do when you need them most.


4.      The unexpected will happen when you least want it to and accepting it, is hard. 
This is something I learned in July, I learned that people aren’t what they seem and the one you think will be your forever won’t be. One afternoon I was happy the next day I lost what was my world, I was alone and I had to very quickly learn that. I accepted that we weren’t the forever and it was hard, it broke me but I decided I had to accept that what I thought was forever just wasn’t.

5.      Help is out there, you just have to be brave enough to ask for it.
This is one of the hardest things I did this year. I knew deep down something wasn’t right but with other things happening in my life I just looked over it. It was when my best friend asked me straight did I need some help then she could give. That’s when I took the step and made an appointment to see a doctor.

6.      Your best friends are your best friends for a reason.
I think this says it all, you choose your best friends because they get you and for reasons only you know.

7.      You don't need to be the loudest/funniest/most confident person all the time.
I’m one of them people that fill the silence because I hate silence even if it’s just with a laugh. There was a time when I couldn’t be that person and I couldn’t fill that silence anymore and I became alright with that.

8.      Spending time alone isn't as scary as you think. 
Alone time was something I wasn't really a fan of I always wanted to be busy and doing something. This year I started running and walking more. I did a blog post about how I wanted to walk more because it was simple and taking time out for myself.


9.      Beauty is and always will be everywhere.
Nature, people, and life can be beautiful and it’s everywhere you just have to open your eyes to see it.

10.   Learning to forgive helps.
People make mistakes if that the way they do something or what they do. You can’t change what happened but forgiving someone for their mistake is sometimes the only thing you can do.  

11.   The mind is the operation centre for your body, look after it.
We look after our body all the time but we never stop to think about the main organ of the body our brain. I discovered that looking after your mind is just as important as your body.  

12.   Family won't ever let you down when you need them most. 
My family is small and when I mean small I mean really small. It’s me, my mom, my mom's partner, and my sister. It doesn’t matter what the matter is they are there as that is what family do.

13.   Your greatest achievements might not always be your biggest. 
You always think that your great achievement has to be this big show but actually it doesn’t. This year I showed myself that many of my great achievement can be something small and simple. Does it have to be a huge achievement to be your greatest?

14.   5-year plans aren’t for everyone.
I always thought that you had to have a plan if that’s a 5-year plan or a 10-year plan that you had a plan. I had a plan and then that plan went down the drain. It turns out that the plan I had wasn’t the right plan for me. I decided I didn’t need a plan for my life that my life wasn’t going to be about what was going to happen in 5 years’ time it was about the now and living in the moment.

15.   Live in the moment.
Like I said above, I’m sick of having plans that are over years that’s why I’m living in the present. I understand that you have to plan some things but them things will be holidays I want to go on, places I want to see, places I want to eat but it won’t be plans like when I’m going to buy a house when I’m going to have kids. There not the plans I want to make at this moment in time.

16.   Take a chance; you'll never know what/who is around.
2016 had a lot of downs but there was quite a few up were in there as well. I tried new things, I met new people and I met Mr. M. They say taking a chance is always a good thing and I will say I totally agree. I took a chance and 2016 will end on an up and 2017 will hopefully start on a high as well.

17.   You can be happy when you let yourself be.
I took a chance with someone in 2016; I fought hard with myself to not take a chance with him. I didn’t want to get hurt like I had in the past plus I wanted to learn to be alone but there is something about Mr. M that makes me happy. He made me smile when not much made me smile and he made me laugh when I hadn’t laughed in a long time.

18.   Someone will always be there to pick you up when you fall.
Someone sent this to me and it was just what I need in 2016
‘God is within her she will not fall’ Psalms 46:5

That is my 2016 and all the lessons I learned. I grew up in 2016 and I would like to think that it made me a better person. I don't shout at people anymore, I ask more questions and I look at things in a new way. I have my eyes set on lots of adventures in 2017 and I hope I learn even more lessons I just hope that they aren't as painful as some of 2016 lessons were. 


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

My Favourite Trail Running Routes in Newcastle and Gateshead

I will admit that I only really got into trail running when I got slightly bored of running the same 5k near my house that was pretty much just through the streets near my house. You can read a bit more about that over on my review about the ADIDAS WOMEN'S TERREX AGRAVIC BOOST GORE-TEX SHOE.

This blog post is going to tell you about 3 of my favourite trail running routes and 4 routes that I would love to try out soon. Some of the routes have set route that has become Park Runs or race routes and some of them are routes I found online or just created on my own. I will say that I am not a professional runner and these routes are just routes that I really enjoy doing. 

1.       Newburn to Wylam 10k Route (Here)

The Newburn to Wylam route is a beautiful route that was originally part of the wagon way up in the north east.  The route goes along the river and heads up to Wylam Bridge. When on the Newcastle side you want to make sure that you take the route that is further away from the river as this is the trail route not the pathed route. The route is flat and is very simple to co-ordinate around. The Wylam side of the route is along the river and is beautiful. The route works out at around 10K and is a very simple loop. You can go either way depending on how you feel. This route is not got any lighting so is definitely a day time route.

2.       Rising Sun Country Park (Here)

I recently did this route after taking part in the These Girls Can Park Run takeover. I have to say this is one of the most beautiful routes that I have done. The route is a 5k and like the Newburn to Wylam is a simple route. If you go along to the park run which is on every Saturday the route has Marshalls at a number of locations to keep you on route. Once you’ve done the route a few time you could definitely do this alone. The park is has not lighting so again like main trail running routes you would have to run it through the day or early morning.

3.       Benwell Dene/Denton Dene

This route I made on my own, the route starts on Scotswood road and leads up to Benwell Dene which is than a straight route up to Denton Dene which you can then follow up towards Broadway Primary School. This route is not all trails but I still thought it would be a good one to attach as the route if you do just 1 way is around 2.5 miles but there and back is 5 miles. The route is maybe not the most beautiful route and is unfortunately not all trails but for being in the middle of the city you can’t really go wrong plus if you’re new to trail running this is route could be a good route to try out.
I’m definitely on the look out for more trail runs to do in Newcastle and Gateshead

Bucket list of 10K I want to try in the North

Below I’ve listed a few other trails that I’m looking forward to trying out in the New Year when the days start to get a bit lighter. Even tho these trails are listed as races you could definitely do the route whenever you want.

Gibside 5K Park Run (Here)
Gateshead 10k Trail (Here) 
Kielder 10K (Here)
Derwent Park (still trying to find a route)

I hope you enjoyed this post and gives you a few ideas of where you could maybe go running and mix up you running routes. If you going to start trail running do take a look at my review on the Adidas women's terrex agravic boost gore-tex shoe that will be great for starting your trail running journey.


Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Adidas Women's Terrex Agravic Boost GORE-TEX Shoe*

Adidas Women's Terrex Agravic Boost GORE-TEX Shoe - Review

I decided in the summer that I wanted to adventure more out of my comfort zone when it came to running. The first thing I thought was changing my location; I’ve ran the same maybe 3-mile route from my house for maybe the last year but without transport, I found it hard to find new and exciting routes. Then I got a car in June and decided that I wanted to go further a field and started trail running. 

I was a very lucky lady because Blacks the outdoor retailer offered me the opportunity to review a pair of the Adidas Women's Terrex Agravic Boost GORE-TEX Shoe

‘Same iconic Boost™ midsole, sleek new profile; the exclusive Agravic from Adidas is their next generation Boost running shoe which delivers uncompromised, endless energy on the trail’

As you can see from the description from their website these shoes sounded just what I needed for my transition into trail running.

When I received the trainers the first thing I noticed was the sole of the shoe. The Terrex trainers have a Continental Rubber sole which helps to deliver exceptional grip which is great for keeping your strides stable and controlled. The grips on the sole are deeper than your regular trainer which again gives you the stable stride and also is great in wet conditions. As we know a lot of trails have an uneven surface which is why people like going trail running but giving your feet a stable grip and platform is always  important, which is what you get with these shoes.

Adidas Women's Terrex Agravic Boost GORE-TEX Shoe - Review

I knew that the trainers that I normally would run in weren't going to be good enough for running out on the trails as they didn't offer enough support around the ankle. I was pleased when I tried on the Terrex that they came up around the ankle just enough to give my ankles the support they needed but not to high.

 What I have found when I’ve been running in these trainers is that they do weigh more than my regular trainers, they weigh around 285g and because the trainers have GORE-TEX membrane which provides complete waterproof protection but still keeps that shoes breathable. You can't expect something with all this waterproof technology to be light as a feather.  The waterproof technology like I said encourages breathability which helps to keep the feet cool and dry which I find great when you’re out running in the rain which living in the north happens a lot you can get wet a lot.

Adidas Women's Terrex Agravic Boost GORE-TEX Shoe - Review

I did find at first it very hard to run with these shoes on because of the weight of them. My regular trainers are Nike Frees so are basically the total opposite of the Adidas Women's Terrex Agravic Boost GORE-TEX Shoe. I found after a couple of short runs my legs started to get used to the weight of the shoes and now find them very comfortable to run in. The shoes are very well made as they can deal with all weathers with the shoes still looking in very good condition even after the amount of running I have done over the past 5/6 months.

I would definitely recommend this type of shoe if you are looking to invest in some shoes that are specially made for trail running. They are normally retail at £110 but at the moment are reduced to £88 which I think is a bargain.

These trainers would also be a great present for anyone that is interested in running trails or interested in walking in the countryside.  

To go along with this post I will be sharing my favourite trail route across Newcastle and Gateshead. Keep an eye out for that post coming next week. 

*hese trainers were gifted to me from Blacks but all view are my own and not influenced by anyone.


Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Newcastle MoRunning 2016 - We Did It!

Yes, you are reading that right we did it. If you read my last post about how I had signed up to do the Mo Running 10K  all in the name of the Movember Foundation. You will know more about what I'm going to talk about.

I thought as it was such a great day that I would tell you all about how it went. 


As there was quite a few of us doing the run (8 of us) we decided to get there early 2 hours early (or if you want to be really precise 1 hour and 45 minutes). Unfortunately for us, the weather had not been at its best. I think I saw more rainfall in the 2 hours I was waiting than I had in weeks. As we were early it did mean that we got to get our numbers and bags but in the tent already to go. We decided not to do fancy dress but we did go with colorful mustaches (mine lasted only around 15 minutes) and it was perfect opportunity to get some photos. 

Source - We made the highlights page! 

The run was 10K and yes you read that right 10K. I was slightly nervous before the run as I hadn't done any training leading up I just wasn't feeling up for it and had never done a 10K run before. We all agreed that timing wasn't a massive thing (I still wanted to get under 1hr 10 minutes) but it was about having fun and doing something that some of us had never done before. 

So we got to the starting line as were ready to go. With our headphones in, are Runkeeper app all ready to go and then we were off. 


If you've done any run or race on the Town Moor you will know the route. It was a pretty simple flat route of Newcastle Town Moor and we did it twice. The route itself I've done a few times but never as a 10K. The first 5k I found to be really easy I even did my best 5k pace but then I got to 6K and my knee started to play up I decided to take it slowly but still kept going. 

When we got to around 7K that was when my right leg really started to play up. I walked for a small period of time but decided to try and power through. I made it to around 9K til I had to stop again. I decided to walk fast and check my app to see what I was doing I saw that I was very close to the 1hr mark and that was when I decided that I really needed to push through the pain and just make it to the end. Which I did and I was really proud when I saw I had done it in 1hr and 58 seconds. Not only did I crush the time I wanted but I showed myself that I could run further than 5K.


How cute is the medal!

Photos taken by @mjteasdale

Photos taken by @mjteasdale

Photos taken by @mjteasdale

After finishing the race I met up with the people who had already finished and we waited for the rest of our friends to finish the race. We all finished under 1hr and 15 minutes which is great. We took lots of great photos with our medals and decided that the PUB was the next place to go. We ended up in the Wylam Brewery which is located within exhibition park and becoming one of my favorite places to go (it has a photo booth why wouldn't you love it). 

I hope you enjoyed reading all about my experience of doing my first 10K and ticking it off my bucket list, I definitely think I pick a good one to start my 10k bug, Thank you to all the supporters that were out on the day and to the lovely ladies that I was running with from the This Girl Can Civic Centre Running Group. 

*Disclaimer: I was given a free race place in return for a blog post.


Thursday, 3 November 2016

Extreme Air - Newcastle Trampoline Park

I’ve always been someone that’s been pretty active, doing any sport that my mam would let me do. It turned out that trampolining would be my  main sport around 5 years you can read more about that below. So you can imagine my face when I heard that there was going to be a brand new trampoline park opening just up the road from me I knew I had to find out more. Newcastle Trampoline Park opened up in October 2016 and one of the main things that drew me to the centre was their new Extreme Air class.

So like I said before my main sport throughout school was trampolining that was because when I was in school I was asked to join a trampoline team and I think that was where the jumping bug started. After 4 years of competing for the school team and then for a club the jumping bug had to be stopped after falling off and injuring my knee quite badly. 6 years after not going back on I knew that my knee could handle doing it again. The only thing was that I had grown too old to join a club so didn’t know what to do.

That was when luck hit me and my local sport became the new Newcastle Trampoline Park. I’m not going to lie, I was very excited for this trampoline park to open but when I heard through the grape vines that they were thinking of doing trampoline fitness classes I knew this was meant to be. When the park officially opened they put a call out on their facebook for people to try out their Air Extreme class.

Myself and my friend Shane decided we couldn’t miss this opportunity. We had no idea what we were letting ourselves in for but we knew we just couldn’t turn down the opportunity to try it out.

Main Trampoline area in the park.

We arrived at the trampoline park all ready to go, the centre itself has had a refurbishment since being taken over by North Country Leisure, it looked nothing like its old self and the trampoline park itself was bright and light. We arrived at reception to be greeted by the reception staff and they were all lovely. When we had booked over the phone, we got told that we would have to buy some of the trampoline parks socks which were £2. When you think about a number of times you could wear these socks £2 is nothing.

The next thing we had to do was sign a form which was like the terms and conditions of the parks. Along with the form we had to watch a 3 minute which was a basic briefing of what you couldn’t do in the park, this included all the safety aspects of jumping (you have to watch this every time you go to the park). I will say the noise it makes for a broken bone puts me off every doing something you shouldn’t. We also got to met our lovely instructor for the class called Millie.

Me trying to get some height while trying to look cool.
After all the safety talks and watching the video it was time for the class. I had no idea what to expect but let’s say I was a little excited at getting onto the trampolines.

Me doing a tuck jump
The class is a mix of your traditional boot camp/fitness and a trampoline class. Trampolining can be one hell of a cardio workout. When we started off the class with cardio I knew we would be working hard. We started off with the simple warm up with us doing the 3 simple trampoline moves, these are tucks, pike, and straddles. The warm up was also the time for everyone to get used to the trampolines and get used to the surrounding.

Me doing a full turn
 Then the real workout started, in trampolining the higher you bounce the hard it is on both your legs and core. We did a simple HITT session to start with us working out for 30 seconds, 10 seconds rest, 20-second exercise, 10 seconds rest and then 10 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest. We did this for all 4 of the basic trampoline moves and I will tell you that I was sweating and my legs were burning.

We then went on to do a leg and abs workout. You might be thinking this is the simple part but when you think about doing squats and keeping your balance on a normal floor it can be pretty hard, so now imagine doing that on a trampoline, your legs and core are working overload.

Me having too much fun. 
After all that it was time for a cool down. The class works out about 45 minutes long and its full body workout. You definitely come away from the class sweating and expecting to be in pain the next day.

If you are looking for a workout that is something new and different this is definitely the class for you. I would recommend this class to anyone that is up for a challenge. The class run on both a Monday night between 7pm-8pm (with Millie) and Tuesday night between 8pm-9pm (with Emma). If your not a member of the park the class is £5, but if you become a park member you can get it for £3 and even better if you become a member of the gym you get it for free as it is part of the gym membership.

If you fancy booking on (there are only 13 spaces for each class so you have to be quick) you can book here or you can call the centre to book on.


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Join In The Newcastle MoRun

We all have that special man in our life it might be a partner, a father, a brother or the male best friend that's looked after you when you've cried over that boy/girl.
 What would you do if that special man in your life was effected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer or needed professional support because of mental health issues. I know I would want to try and help in any way possible. We can help and that is by fundraising for a great charity.
 Movember Foundation is the only charity that solely focuses on tackling men's health on a global scale. Over the past 13 years Movember foundation have to fund over 1'200 project all over the world. They want to by 2030 reduce the amount of men dying by 25% but they need our help and that is where doing the MoRun can help.

What is the MoRunning?
The MoRunning is a 5K and a 10K run, that is all about raising awareness and money for Movember Foundation. The races are all across the country with a large number of cities taking part including Brighton, Newcastle and Edinburgh.
Where is you nearest MoRun?
You can find your nearest run by click on this link here. The Newcastle run is being held at the beautiful Exhibition Park.
When is MoRun?
There are a number of different run happening across the city. The Newcastle Run is happening on the 6th November at 2pm. So if you fancy giving it a go then you can register for your place by clicking this link.
I hope I will see you there with our moustache all ready at the starting line ready to support all them important men in our lives.
I've linked below all the social media accounts for the event if you want more information.

Facebook / TwitterWebsite


Monday, 26 September 2016

Anytime Fitness: Gateshead Review

Anytime Fitness Gateshead

Anytime Fitness in Gateshead asked if I would like to try out the facilities that they have in their gym and a have a 1 to 1 with their personal trainer. I thought it was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down.

The gym is located opposite the Tyne Bridge and below the 24/7 Tesco in Gateshead. I’m awful with direction but I didn’t get lost so that says something about how easy it is to find. There is a tonne of parking as you can park in the Tesco car park which is open 24 hours and every time I’ve been I’ve found a space really easy.

The first thing that I noticed about Anytime Fitness is that when you come in there is like a mini welcome area where there are leaflets, magazines and where the staff members are located. My one pet peeve about some gyms is when you can’t find a member of staff when you need them so when you at least know where the office is and the doors always open, it gives you a feeling that someone is there if you need help and it just makes me feel comfortable when I'm in the gym.

When I arrived for my tour of the gym I was greeted by Andreea who is the manager and she was absolutely lovely. She showed me around the gym which is all on one floor and even tho the space is smaller than other gyms it doesn’t feel overcrowded with machines as the layout that they have makes it feel quite spacious. When Andreea was showing me around the gym she asked me questions about what workouts I like to do or was their things that I preferred doing the jump. I mentioned that I was really into classes rather than doing machines.

 This is when she showed me what I think might be one of the best things about this gym and that is the Wellbeats Virtual classes. If your one of them people that loves classes but can’t make them because of work or the time doesn’t work for you this will be great for you.  Wellbeats is an on-demand virtual class which means that if you turn up to the gym and fancy doing a class you can go up to this screen pick a workout you fancy including indoor cycling, kickboxing, and Pilates, they have 50+ classes on offer and you do it in their studio there and then, you can do it alone or with a friend it is the best thing ever. I did my first virtual class and went for an indoor cycling class (I really did die a little). I haven't seen anything like this is other gyms in Gateshead and Newcastle. I've definitely found that because I go at times that suit me rather having to try and fit my work schedule around the gym class schedule I go more often.

The gym is full of high-quality equipment including all your normal cardio machines (watching big bang while on the treadmill is my new favourite thing to do), they have battle ropes, TRX, squats racks, kettlebells, power bags, double-loaded leg press and dumbbells up to 50kg, so anything that should be in a gym is in this gym.

The final part of my night was to have a 1 to 1 with Sian who is the personal trainer at the gym. Sian e-mailed me before the session asking if there was anything that I wanted to work on, in particular, I mentioned that I had pretty much no upper body strengthen and that I would like to work on strengthen my lower back after injuring it back in March. Sian was great and made me feel really comfortable as I hadn’t really had much experience working with PT, I have friends that are PT and have worked out with them but it’s not really the same. Sian had me do exercises that I wouldn't do on my own and pushed me to do a number of reps that I might have not really done if I was alone.

I had a great experience at Anytime Fitness and I would definitely recommend it anyone that is looking for a gym in the area. I've now got a membership for this gym and have enjoyed every time that I have gone in. The Membership is £32.95 a month, you have to pay a one-off fee for the fob to be able to get into the building. You can get FREE 3-day trial so that you can have a look around the gym and try out all the equipment before you join.

Here are all the links that you need to check out Anytime Fitness Gateshead.

Facebook / Twitter / Website  

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